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AposTherapy® for Knee and Lower Back Pain Now Requires No Prior Authorization


Patients suffering from osteo arthritis of the knee may want to consider AposTherapy®, an innovative non-invasive biomechanical treatment for knee pain.

The treatment involves wearing and walking in a customized shoe-like device for approximately one hour a day while conducting normal activities. As the patient walks, the device is designed to shift the burden away from painful areas providing relief. Over time, it is designed to strengthen the muscles around joints to retain a healthier walking style, even when the patient is not using the device. Many patients choose AposTherapy® as an alternative to surgery.

HealthCare Partners providers can now refer patients to the AposTherapy® program without prior authorization. No other IPA in the region makes AposTherapy® available.

AposTherapy® is a drug-free, FDA-cleared treatment which is personalized for the patient by a specially trained clinician. It treats not only the pain, but also the underlying biomechanical problems. Extensive clinical evidence and dozens of studies have found that the treatment significantly decreases pain and improves function.